Eureka Institute.



International Certificate Course in Translational FinMed (ICC_TFM)
LocationBorgia Del Casale, Siracusa, Italy
DateDates to be confirmed
Number of Participants10 - 20
Target Participants
  • Business and bio-medical professionals leading translational innovation in biopharmaceutical, research institutions, private and public healthcare organisations
  • Executives driving top-line growth, managing portfolios, or tasked with creating new business models into medical care industries will also benefit;
  • Professionals interested in starting their own business or pursuing managerial careers in design-driven companies, communications or branding agencies, or consulting firms in the healthcare sector
Course FeesScholarships covering the course costs are available
Course Objectives
  • Participants who come from a scientific background will understand how to design business models and will be better able to attract investors and funds
  • Managers & investors will develop their Translational Medicine (TM) knowledge and understand how it increases their competitive advantage and leads to opportunities to develop their business

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International Certificate Course in Translational FinMed (ICC_TFM)

ICC_TFM is a new advanced educational project to better understand Translational Medicine challenges in a unique, innovative, managerial and financial mindset.

Translational Medicine (TM) is an innovative and rapidly growing knowledge area, able to speed up research & development (R&D) processes and time to market strategies for new and innovative treatments, instruments, devices and diagnostic tools by using a multi-disciplinary, highly collaborative approach. TM requires “new translational profiles and skills” with different backgrounds coming from R&D departments, Healthcare organisations, Pharmaceutical / Biopharmaceutical Companies and Institutions, Financial companies and institutions, Start uppers and Professionals, equipped to bridge the gap between clinical investigation, technological and management and financial fundamentals.

Such TM unique and transversal skills are becoming crucial in evaluating and exploiting health care research to efficiently meet diagnostic and therapeutic needs. Transitioning from vertical, functional and specialised know how into a multidisciplinary-translational approach combining health care mindset with management fundamentals, will provide unique hybrid knowledge in areas such as trial design, intellectual proprieties, and leadership.

Preliminary Programme

Road Map of Translational ICC_TFM

Research for better health and social sustainable policies

Overview of Translational Medicine: Building Value by Understanding the Needs

How to Evaluate and Assess the Economic Impact of TM

Lectio Magistralis

What makes a technology “druggable”?

Principles of Preclinical and Clinical Development

Evolution of the Funding model and Its Intersection with Talent & Impact

Getting your bearings: A Finance for Innovation General Framework : The Main Pillars

Panel Discussion Topics

AAL Smart Environment Start-Up

Eco Systems, Bio Clusters and Partnership: Going Together

Raising Capital (Business Angel, Private Equity & Research Grant– Attracting Smart Money)

An Observatory on Life Sciences Technology

False Myths and True Practices on Converting Research & Technology (Spin-Offs) into Science-Based Start-Ups

Going to Market and Entry-Exit Strategy

The Journey is the destination: Values, Vision, Mission and Action
